Sustainability- the ability to exist constantly, or so says Wikipedia.
As I see it, sustenance is like the monthly grocery which is on a budget. We use as much as we need and hope it lasts us for the next twenty nine days. If the key to sustainability is a packet of sugar, we figure out a way to use it, so that it covers us for every cup of tea, that we will consume.
But, of course some people can afford two packets of sugar and might pour, more per drink. But that's, a matter of choice and not budget.
It's time we think about, the impacts of non biodegradable wastes, forests burning, global warming, excess usage of fossil fuels, and raise a question of- whether we are consuming fuels, to travel the distaces today, or waiting for the entire planet to turn to fossils tomorrow?
I think it's time to worry about what series of disasters, asking for a plastic bag would cause, just how we worry about our favourite series coming up on Netflix. Our prime concerns should be Amazon fires, and not the Amazon prime.
Today sustainability has become a subject, but back in the day, saving the planet wasn't a problem.
It was a routine to take care of smaller things in life, like our grandma stitching a quilt out of her old Sarees or grandpaa buliding an entirely new vegetable garden out of house waste- ironically this waste had no plastic.
It can be said that it was a win-win situation, unlike today. We talk of sustenance, we try and take measures and in the end, we are still burning our planet.
As qouted earlier sustainabilty is not just a subject relevant to separate degrees, it is actually a lifestyle one needs to adopt.
But let's not confuse sustainabity with a lot of metaphors. It is neither a monthly subscription to Netflix, nor the grocery. It is somewhere between taking a cab or a bus?
Like if today we right swipe for bus, and left swipe for a cab, we might continue to subscribe, travel bloggers in future.
It's pretty much the stain that you find on your clothes and decide to discard it, without giving it a second life to live.
We need to understand that most of the times it's not about buying things or paying for them, but it is about realizing that if we do not stop now, we will surely have to pay for it in the future.
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